Effectively Build A Downline
Author: MJ Mascaro
Source: www.mlm.com
We all get started in our network marketing business ready to make our mark! We're already spending that extra money, $1,000, $5,000, $10,000 a month. Then we dive into the business and realize it's not going to happen over night. We've all read about the bird farmer getting involved with Global Resorts Network and making $30,000 in a month, as well all as other exceptional results.
Then, we say, "If they can do it, so can I," and, yes, you can! But, do you know how to do that? The reason the big income money earners are making all that money is because they have a big warm market of network marketer's or business contacts that they have built relationships with over time. Think about it for a minute. If you had a list of contacts that all had MLM experience already, how fast do you think your MLM business would explode? That's right, over night!
Now, you might be saying something like, I don't have a list like that--then start building one! In many Internet businesses, when we start, we're told, "Buy a lead list, pick up the phone, and start dialling." Global Resorts doesn't say that. That's not to say you can't cold call, you just don't have to. Now, how many people do you think that get started in your network marketing opportunity will want to do cold calls? Not many! There will be those that will have no problem cold calling lead lists, but they will be the minority.
What if you have other networkers calling you and asking if they can join you in your business? I bet you would love that, wouldn't you?
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