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The Renegade Network Marketer

You might have heard what attraction marketing is and why so many people are switching marketing styles from traditional marketing to web 2.0 or "new school" marketing.

Traditional marketing is marketing your network marketing business using newspaper ads, home parties, signs, cold calling, soliciting, and trying to convince your friends and neighbors to join your business. Web 2.0 marketing is using tools that reach a broad array of users on the internet, more social networking sites.

So where does "The Renegade Network Marketer" by Ann Seig come into play? Easy, it's an e-book that talks about the differences between old school and new school marketing. What Ann Seig has done is that she has taken her experiences in network marketing for many years, found out what works and what doesn't, what the old and outdated way of marketing is as well as the new better way, then proceeds to tell you the best way to market and why. That is one of the best reasons a lot of people read this book.

This book has stirred up a lot of controversy, mainly because it exposes the truth as to why there is such a high failure rate in network marketing, it's because people have been using the old and useless way of marketing for many years.

She explains why certain catch phrases, sales pitches, techniques, and other marketing systems aren't effective and don't work, and what the better way is. This is fantastic because it opens peoples' eyes into digging deeper into finding out what exactly the best and most effective way of marketing is. Ann Seig's book "The Renegade Network Marketer" teaches more of the "philosophy" of effective network marketing practices, and Renegade University is the real nuts and bolts, "how-to", step-by-step school to learn attraction marketing.

Jake Jacob said...
September 15, 2008 at 12:13 PM  

Nice site.
There are tons of problems with the renegade deal. Let me know if you want to talk about it.
I didn't see anything about thespiderwebmarketing system.
It's a free online marketing up to the minute web2.0 - Making money online is easy - no real learning curve. Register - it's free and see what I mean.

mlmHound said...
September 16, 2008 at 7:50 AM  

Thanks, Jake!

However, could you elaborate for our readers what 'problems' Renegade has?

Spiderweb Marketing will get its turn, the hound can only fetch so much stuff at a time! =)

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