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Six Key Elements to Leadership

Source: www.mlm.com

You are on your way to build a large organization in your primary network Marketing Company? It is important to establish yourself as a leader. The thing is that most people never got trained to manage people. Leadership is not about knowing everything, it's more about knowing how to distribute the energy of a group.

As your team keeps growing and growing, you'll notice that they have questions and rely on you 100 %. YOU are the leader... Are you?

Here are 6 words, 6 elements you need to master if you want to be recognized as a true leader.

1- Trust -- As a Group Leader, you've got to establish confidence. Every member of yourteam must trust you. It is your responsibility to build that confidence towards you and towards every members of your team.

2- Coherence -- You've got to walk your talk. What you say is what you do. Coherence between your teaching and your own actions will have a significant effect on your team : it will have a direct influence upon the trust of your team members towards you. The less your team trust you, the less your message will be heard.

3- Competence -- No leader can survive incompetence. Knowing how to resource yourself and knowing how to surround yourself are 2 qualities that every leaders possess. What the leader don't know, he learns it or he makes someone who knows about it to execute the task.

4- Collaboration --The more successful people there will be in your team, the more success YOU will have but... BE CAREFUL.... As your member gets bigger and bigger, make sure they treat their downline with respect. Never let your people by themselves. Always bring them to their best. Be sure you make that statement duplicatable otherwise your downline will stop growing at some point making you lose maybe thousands of dollars. Make sure the heavy-hitters of your team know about this.

5- Competition -- Drive your team towards excellence. Be sure your team understand the different levels in your company. Diamond level, group leader level, director level, presidential level.... whatever your company name it. You've got to drive the member of your team towards their next level. Let your team know the success of everyone. As soon as someone reach his own next level. Announce it to your team. This will favour the developpement of your group.

6- Contribution -- This is the guard angel of the team spirit. If all the members of your team contribute to bring the best out of themself you will lead a group that has very good potential to hit hard....as a team. Every members must contribute in some ways. If they don't work their business, they will not make money and you won't make money. Help them build their business.

The Renegade Network Marketer

You might have heard what attraction marketing is and why so many people are switching marketing styles from traditional marketing to web 2.0 or "new school" marketing.

Traditional marketing is marketing your network marketing business using newspaper ads, home parties, signs, cold calling, soliciting, and trying to convince your friends and neighbors to join your business. Web 2.0 marketing is using tools that reach a broad array of users on the internet, more social networking sites.

So where does "The Renegade Network Marketer" by Ann Seig come into play? Easy, it's an e-book that talks about the differences between old school and new school marketing. What Ann Seig has done is that she has taken her experiences in network marketing for many years, found out what works and what doesn't, what the old and outdated way of marketing is as well as the new better way, then proceeds to tell you the best way to market and why. That is one of the best reasons a lot of people read this book.

This book has stirred up a lot of controversy, mainly because it exposes the truth as to why there is such a high failure rate in network marketing, it's because people have been using the old and useless way of marketing for many years.

She explains why certain catch phrases, sales pitches, techniques, and other marketing systems aren't effective and don't work, and what the better way is. This is fantastic because it opens peoples' eyes into digging deeper into finding out what exactly the best and most effective way of marketing is. Ann Seig's book "The Renegade Network Marketer" teaches more of the "philosophy" of effective network marketing practices, and Renegade University is the real nuts and bolts, "how-to", step-by-step school to learn attraction marketing.

Effectively Build A Downline

Author: MJ Mascaro

Source: www.mlm.com

We all get started in our network marketing business ready to make our mark! We're already spending that extra money, $1,000, $5,000, $10,000 a month. Then we dive into the business and realize it's not going to happen over night. We've all read about the bird farmer getting involved with Global Resorts Network and making $30,000 in a month, as well all as other exceptional results.

Then, we say, "If they can do it, so can I," and, yes, you can! But, do you know how to do that? The reason the big income money earners are making all that money is because they have a big warm market of network marketer's or business contacts that they have built relationships with over time. Think about it for a minute. If you had a list of contacts that all had MLM experience already, how fast do you think your MLM business would explode? That's right, over night!

Now, you might be saying something like, I don't have a list like that--then start building one! In many Internet businesses, when we start, we're told, "Buy a lead list, pick up the phone, and start dialling." Global Resorts doesn't say that. That's not to say you can't cold call, you just don't have to. Now, how many people do you think that get started in your network marketing opportunity will want to do cold calls? Not many! There will be those that will have no problem cold calling lead lists, but they will be the minority.

What if you have other networkers calling you and asking if they can join you in your business? I bet you would love that, wouldn't you?

Click here to read the full article.

MLM Success Tip: The "Leap-Frogging" Method

Source: Network Marketing Business Journal


Leap-frogging is an effective technique to support your prospects in realizing that they already know a bunch of people who would be perfect for building a business. Using this technique allows you to bypass your prospects’ objections that they don’t know anyone who would want to do this while showing them that they know others who will be able to succeed in building a large group.

I like to go over four leap-frogging examples with my prospects since my intention is to show that they can be ultra-successful by finding just four people who will also go on to find their four, and so forth. I suggest picking four different professions or situations to ask your prospects who they know that fits this description. For example, I might say, “Who do you know who … needs some extra money; is entrepreneurial; you respect and with whom you’d like to be in business; is a realtor; is a chiropractor; is a dentist; owns a pet; wants to retire early; hates his or her job; would love to stay home with their kids instead of having to put them in day care; would love to travel more; is great with people; is in the military or retired military; is involved in sales;” and so forth.

Remember to ask such questions that would bring to mind individuals you think your prospect might know. When they answer “yes,” say something like “What’s the person’s name? What do they do? Where do they live? How well do you know them?”

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4 Tips on How To Find a Network Marketing Nutritional Juice Company

Source: Network Marketing Business Journal


There seems to be four criteria for you to start your review of a network marketing nutritional juice or beverage. Even these four criteria are not as straightforward as you would want and the criteria do not preclude review of each company’s approach to nutrition.

1. Packaging: This is perhaps the easiest criterion to start with. Glass bottles, especially dark-colored glass, such as XanGo and MonaVie uses, are the safest choice with the least health hazards. If a beverage is packaged in plastic, you should look for the triangular recycle symbol with a number one or two in it. There are at least seven standards with the seventh being less desirable because of possible contamination of toxins including BPA, bisphenol A, a compound in hard, clear polycarbonate plastic. An April Time Magazine article based on a University of Cincinnati study said that plastic bottles with a number-two rating, such as Zrii’s plastic bottles, was better than the number-one rating because the reuse of plastic bottles with the number-one rating could leach toxins, including the cancer-causing BPA. Since network marketing bottles are not meant for reuse, this is not a factor. So a rating of one or two is fine.

Aluminum may contribute to Alzheimer’s, muscular dystrophy, sleep apnea and other medical conditions. Aluminum containers with an interior inert barrier can lessen the harmful effects, but aluminum may still be consumed from the opening and especially drinking directly from the can, if it has an aluminum top.

2. Pasteurization: Long-term high heat pasteurization can cause deterioration of most, if not all, of the medicinal benefits of a juice. Many retail companies use this method, often referred to as “cooking or stewing” and then try to spike their products with less effective synthetic vitamins. Short-term or flash heat pasteurization uses the minimum heat for the shortest time possible to retain most of the medicinal benefits and vitamins. Most network marketing companies, including XanGo, Tahitian Noni International (TNI) and Zrii use this method. They spike their product with additional fruit (not synthetic vitamins) usually before the flash pasteurization to achieve desirable nutritional levels per serving after minimum expected losses. This method delivers the true medicinal benefits and natural vitamins. Cold filled or cold pressure pasteurization method used by Jús International and others may cause even less deterioration.

Another consideration is how well does the particular fruit hold up to heat. For instance, Zrii’s amalaki is grown in southern India and the noni fruit is grown in the South Pacific in hot climates and holds up well to heat.

Basically, the less heat for the shortest time with immediate cooling afterwards maintains a greater percentage of nature nutrients. Network marketing companies usually ensure quality and full medicinal benefits by starting with more of the fruit product in contrast to retail companies who usually cook the products and then simply add a dose of synthetic vitamins.

3. Organic: Juices whose fruit is organically grown are desirable. The reason why is the organic label usually indicates little or no pesticides and synthetic ingredients. Therefore, being organically grown is not the real issue. Does the product have pesticides or synthetic or artificial preservative ingredients; that is the question. However, these can be tough answers to ascertain. The products may meet the criteria to be considered organic, but because of where they are grown, they may not have the same criteria, if any, and it could take eight years to meet U.S. standards. LifesMiracle, OceanGrown and ForeverGreen all have products, that come from the sea. So obviously they don’t use pesticides, but there is no organic classification for food grown in the sea. Yet it is probably as organic as you can get.

Even if the label has the word “organic” on it, it does not ensure that most of its ingredients are organic. To be considered as an organic product, only a small percentage of the product must be organically grown.Tom Mower Jr. of SISEL explained that if a product does not show any synthetic ingredients or artificial preservatives on the label, it does not mean that one or more of the ingredients could contain some. It just means that they did not add any directly. You must look to see if the company claims that its products contain no preservatives, pesticides, artificial or synthetic ingredients. If they don’t make such a statement, then you should ask that question. Tom stated that SISEL screens all of its ingredients carefully to ensure the company meets the highest of this standard.

4. Quality: Network marketing juice and nutritional beverage products are expensive. They often cost $20 to $45 per bottle, which usually has a 30-day dose in it. Therefore it is proper to be concerned if you are getting a fair nutritional value for your money.

TNI’s noni product contains up to 89 percent of the noni fruit. It includes the rind where much of the nutrition is derived. The rind is bitter, so it is necessary to add sweeter juices for flavor. On the other hand, Zrii’s juice product contains much less of their seven primary fruit and botanical ingredients. Although Daniel Rhoda from Zrii would not provide any percentages because he stated it was proprietary, it seems apparent that the seven juices and botanicals are a much smaller percentage than TNI’s. However, Mr. Rhoda claims that each one ounce serving contains a full dose of nutritional value needed from their primary fruits and that the other juices serve more than a masking for flavor. He stated that raspberries and pomegranate are powerful antioxidants. He also stated that pear juice is alkaline and helps balance the juice’s pH. Also, companies’ beverage products that have more than one juice in it, such as Zrii and Jús International, which has a blend of 23 juices, may be able to offer a full spectrum of antioxidant defense and medicinal benefits.

Read the full article here.

Trump, Kiyosaki, Pilzer, Allen and Proctor…All Advocate MLMs

Source: Corsavoo.com

Recently, Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki – two of the most famous Real Estate and Finance experts in the country, teamed up to write a book telling people why taking control over their own lives – using MLMs is the perfect way to create residual income and as a leveraging device for a more prosperous future. Kiyosaki himself wrote yet a second book supporting this networking system as a wealth- generating device. Robert Allen has two books out that address this process towards financial freedom. His books are Multiple Streams of Income and The One Minute Millionaire. Bob proctor has a great audio CD out entitled What Would You Change If Your Annual Income…Suddenly Became Your Monthly Income? Lastly, Paul Zane Pilzer has several books out supporting the whole Network Marketing/MLM industry. His latest book The Next Millionaires gives a refreshing out look to the opportunities we have available to ourselves in joining in on this sweeping rage. He is one of the most enlightened experts in the field of Economics, and this guy really knows his stuff.

We are talking the “Cream of the Crop” here, these guys have too much at stake to put their names on something that has no merit or long term benefit to offer their wide base of staunch supporters. Now then, if you had to rely on the word of someone you know who is struggling themselves who was telling you “That stuff doesn’t upholstery cleaning mn or “It’s all just a big waste of your time!” to make a decision as to whether or not this is worth taking a better look at, or…if you had available to you these gentlemen in this article - to seek out their advice instead, which of the two do you think would be the wiser choice? They have not gotten where they are at because they have bluffed their way into the Millionaires (or Billionaires) Circle. They all researched this particular field of interest before deciding to endorse it.

Click here to read the full article.